Monday, April 29, 2019

Old Time Radio USA 2.0

It's been over a year since my last blog post. I know long, drawn out posts don't usually get read, so I hope that you will take a couple of minutes to read this as you'll want to know how this affects you! Simply put in a sentence, 2.0 is a new experience for the listener both on the listening AND visual side. 2.0 has two parts to it. Let's examine both.....

The listening side. For many years, just like other internet streaming otr stations, the content streaming comes from the internet and from a multitude of different sources. From reel to reel transfers to cassette deck to a microphone sitting in front of a speaker.... and so on and so on. Your audio quality is going to vary greatly from loudness to muffled sounds. I will be honest with you, quite a few that i stream today have those very same issues. A lot of times I can't stand to listen to my own station because the audio quality is absolutely horrible!! I can't imagine what you, my loyal listeners think! This is where 2.0 comes in. I will be stripping all of those garbled, horrible sounding shows. Gone!! DELETE! Only to replace them with great sounding shows, not only in quality but in loudness! I will be, on a more continuous basis, adding new shows monthly to the daily rotation. New radio shows to keep it fresh. What does this mean for you, the listener?  Great sounding old time radio shows that you can listen to and to be able to hear and understand what you're listening to. It equals a great listening experience for you.... the listener. That's part 1. Part 2?

The visual side. The visual side simply means that there will be a brand new website. Brand new!! Built from the ground up! This website will be appealing to the eyes as well as stunning to mobile devices. The website is still being built and testing is still being done. You'll be able to enjoy my website from any device whether it's your PC, laptop, iPad, Android tablet and any smartphone! You'll also be able to listen to either Old Time Radio USA or Suspense Radio USA directly from my website on any device! You'll be able to take Old Time Radio USA's new great sounding station where ever you go!

So, THAT in a nutshell is Old Time Radio USA 2.0! I hope you're looking forward to this as much as I am. I've put a lot of effort and time into both to make it a great experience all the way around! It has always been my pleasure to bring you the best in old time radio since 1999. 20 years is certainly a long time! I hope that I can continue to bring you many more!

Here's to 20 years of streaming old time radio all over the world!

Old Time Radio USA!

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